1. When was the last time you shaved your legs?
2. What were you doing this morning at 8am?
3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
talking on the phone
4. What are you wearing?
5. Are you mad at anyone right now?
6. Last person to say they loved you?
7. Last person to send you a text?
my boyfriend
8. Last person to send you a letter?
10. Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile?
11. Do you have any famous relatives?
14. How long is your hair?
15. How many different drinks have you had today?
3 - water, tea, Propel
16. What have you eaten today?
pork lo mein, orange chicken, fortune cookie
17. Are you good at math?
18. Do you have plans on Saturday night?
19. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
never have but might now
20. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
21. Do you like the ocean?
looking at the ocean--yes; going in the ocean--no.
22. Do you stay friends with your ex's?
23. What are you excited about?
seeing my boyfriend tomorrow, going to Costa Rica, moving away from Las Vegas
24. What did you do yesterday?
spend the entire day on the couch in extreme pain from cramps.. :-(
25. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?
26. Where do you keep your change?
lots of places
27. Who is the best person in your life?
"best" is hard to define.
28.Would you like to sleep alone or with someone?
with someone so we can have 3am sex
29. What was the weather like on your birthday?
my birthday is next week, so we'll see!
30. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends list?
anyone--no...but there are people I would kiss or already have