ENFP-The Inspirer
You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends. You are also unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority and rules. Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives. You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're quite the storyteller! In love, you are quite the charmer. And you are definitely willing to risk your heart. You often don't follow through with your flirting or professed feelings. And you do break a lot of hearts.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Numerology Profile
Your Life Path Number represents the path you should take through life and the talents and skills you have to make your journey a rewarding one.
9 As 1 marked beginnings and leadership, 9 marks completion of the circle and humanitarianism. 9 is the number that finishes all that was started by the numbers which come before it. 9 represents highly developed intuition and spirituality. 9 also represents the apex of human spiritual development. It is considered the supreme number of the 1 to 9 circle. While 9 denotes endings it also signifies the mastery of all the challenges faced by the numbers which precede it.
Having a 9 Life Path makes you very compassionate and tolerant towards the world around you. You strive to serve the better good, sometimes at the expense of your own desires. You have the ability to attract people from all walks of life.
Positive Traits
Compassionate, Tolerant, Benevolent, Intuitive, Mystical, Charming, Idealistic
Negative Traits
Stingy, Impulsive, Intolerant, Insensitive, Effusive
Tarot: Hermit
Astrology: Sun,Virgo, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Sagitarius
Rune: Jera
I Ching: #20 Kuan
Tree of Life: Jesod, Foundation
Hebrew Letter: Teth, Tzaddi
Shamanism: Squirrel, Snake, and Reptiles
Element: Fire
Alchemy: Earth and Gold
Aura: Fall Colors
Colors: Yellow-Gold, Indigo
Gemstone: Opal
Crystal: Quartz
Month: September
Week Day: Monday
Lucky Numbers: 1, 5, 6, 9, 18, 27, 36, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108,
Flora: Holly, Magnolia, Buttercup, Sycamore, Oak
9 As 1 marked beginnings and leadership, 9 marks completion of the circle and humanitarianism. 9 is the number that finishes all that was started by the numbers which come before it. 9 represents highly developed intuition and spirituality. 9 also represents the apex of human spiritual development. It is considered the supreme number of the 1 to 9 circle. While 9 denotes endings it also signifies the mastery of all the challenges faced by the numbers which precede it.
Having a 9 Life Path makes you very compassionate and tolerant towards the world around you. You strive to serve the better good, sometimes at the expense of your own desires. You have the ability to attract people from all walks of life.
Positive Traits
Compassionate, Tolerant, Benevolent, Intuitive, Mystical, Charming, Idealistic
Negative Traits
Stingy, Impulsive, Intolerant, Insensitive, Effusive
Tarot: Hermit
Astrology: Sun,Virgo, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Sagitarius
Rune: Jera
I Ching: #20 Kuan
Tree of Life: Jesod, Foundation
Hebrew Letter: Teth, Tzaddi
Shamanism: Squirrel, Snake, and Reptiles
Element: Fire
Alchemy: Earth and Gold
Aura: Fall Colors
Colors: Yellow-Gold, Indigo
Gemstone: Opal
Crystal: Quartz
Month: September
Week Day: Monday
Lucky Numbers: 1, 5, 6, 9, 18, 27, 36, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108,
Flora: Holly, Magnolia, Buttercup, Sycamore, Oak
Thursday, October 22, 2009
What Kind of Lady Are You?
You are an adventurous lady who has a deep appreciation for the earth. Your wonder and ambition to explore and express yourself keeps you going. You can be a very supportive and committed friend or lover. You have a vibrant personality and are very expressive. You enjoy a busy schedule. You are easy going and often a listener to friends and family.
Quiz found here: http://www.experienceproject.com/quiz/quiz.php?quiz=7031
Quiz found here: http://www.experienceproject.com/quiz/quiz.php?quiz=7031
Friday, October 16, 2009
Advanced Global Personality Test
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
personality test by similarminds.com
Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic..
Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.
Extraversion results were high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
clean, likes large parties, outgoing, makes friends easily,
optimistic, positive, social, high self control, traditional,
assertive, rarely irritated, self revealing, open, finisher,
high self concept, controlling, rarely worries, tough,
likes to stand out, does not like to be alone,
semi neat freak, fearless, dominant, trusting,
organized, resolute, strong, practical,
craves attention, adventurous, hard working,
respects authority, brutally honest, realist, altruistic
Saturday, August 29, 2009
What's Your Vice?
Your Spending
It might take the form in shopping, gambling, an addiction to eBay, etc, but using your money is how you blow off steam. Instead of letting out your emotions, you spend them. Material objects, however, can never replace abstract things so try to keep your wallet in your pocket-- your head and bank account will thank you.

Friday, April 10, 2009
Are You a Right-Brain or Left-Brain Thinker?
YOUR RESULT: You're primarily a RIGHT-BRAIN thinker.
Right-brainers prefer an overview or a general understanding of the big picture first. They tend to be more conceptual and visual rather than logical. For this very reason, right-brainers tend to remember a person's face, but not always his name. When it comes to work, the right-brain dominant person is more likely to experiment with something new and "figure out" how it works rather than break out the instruction manual right away. Her office may have the appearance of disorganization, with piles of paperwork and few systems in place. But don't discount this as failure! Right brainers have an uncanny ability to pull things off at the last minute. They rarely need to plan out every detail of a trip or vacation unlike their left brain friends who feel more comfortable with the details. Right brainers are more impulsive in that way, and can enjoy a surprise trip. They are open to seeing what's appealing when they arrive at their new destination.
Quiz found at: http://www.lifescript.com/Quizzes/Personality/Are_You_A_Right-Brain_or_Left-Brain_Thinker.aspx
You may think you have yourself all figured out—you like math and science, so you’re left-brained; or maybe you prefer art and music, and consider yourself right-brained.
Either way, there are probably aspects of your personality that you’re not taking into consideration in your right- and left-brain diagnosis.
Determining if you are a right- or left-brain thinker is not always so clear-cut, and most people are a mix of both.
It is clear, however, that right- or left-brain dominance does influence how you take in information and even how you relate to others. Knowing where you fall on the “brain” spectrum can be more than just a fun tidbit of information—it can actually help you understand how you process information and how you can improve and use more of your other, “neglected” side.
According to Dr. Carolyn Hopper, the Learning Strategies Coordinator at Middle Tennessee State University and author of Practicing College Learning Strategies, a breakdown of right- and left-brain functions can even help students capitalize on their learning styles.
But don’t worry—even if you’re 20 years removed from college, you’re sure to find a place for this useful and interesting information.
Linear vs. Holistic Processing
One of the biggest differences between the right and left brain is the way they arrange information. If you are a left-brain thinker, you take in information linearly. When your brain receives a piece of information, it arranges the parts logically and then looks at the whole. When you tell a story, you love the details—so much that you might even forget the punch line! If you have a project to complete, you will outline the tasks carefully before starting. The bottom line? Why you’re doing something is not usually as important as how you do it.
On the other hand, if you’re right-brained, you see the big picture first. That doesn’t mean that the details are lost to you, but it does mean that you crave a holistic view before considering the finer points. Planning the details before a task may be harder for you—you’d rather make the outline after completing the project. When you begin a task, it is extremely important for you to understand why you are doing it—for you, the end is greater than the means.
Sequential vs. Random Processing
Left-brainers love order and process information not only linearly, but sequentially. If you love making to-do lists and then checking off the tasks as you complete them, then you are at least partially left-brained. You most often focus on one task until it is finished and then you tackle the next one. Tasks and activities that are orderly are easy and enjoyable for you—as a student, you most likely excelled in math and spelling. Even when reading a magazine for pleasure, you’ll start at the front and work your way toward the back. When you travel, your itinerary is set in advance, and you don’t leave much room for flexibility. Similarly, you rarely get lost, as directions are easy for you to follow. While your friends are struggling to decode the MapQuest directions, you’re already waiting in the parking lot. And, yes, left-brainers are usually more orderly when it comes to their belongings, as well.
If you are right-brained, your life is not quite as orderly, but some would say that the variety adds excitement to your life. You fly by the seat of your pants and make last-minute decisions. You are also a natural multitasker, a character trait that is high in demand today. You may have several projects going at once and, therefore, you may not prioritize your tasks as you should. Although your nature will resist making lists and setting deadlines and goals for yourself, you may want to consider giving in—they really can make your life easier and more efficient. Hopper suggests color-coding your lists to make them more appealing to your heightened sense of color as a right-brainer. And, on a lighter note, unlike your left-brained friends, you pick up a magazine and go straight to the stories that interest you, bypassing the rest.
Symbolic vs. Concrete Processing
The right and left brains also differ in their preferred methods of learning. Left-brained individuals work well with symbols, which accounts for their reputation for excellence in math, science and linguistics, or other activities that involve words and letters and the memorization of formulas. Have you ever met someone with an uncanny ability to remember names and dates? That is a quintessential function of the left brain. Your idea of fun is working on a Sodoku puzzle or a logic problem—a love that may not be shared by your right-brained friends.
Right-brainers prefer concrete ideas and are visual learners. Math formulas look like another language until they are drawn out or illustrated in some way. Artistic endeavors may appeal more to right-brained individuals because they involve creating a concrete object, like a painting or a sculpture. And, contrary to left-brainers, you tend to remember faces over names.
Logical vs. Intuitive Processing
This is a big one when it comes to differentiating between the right and left brain. Your left brain will solve problems according to logic, looking at the information linearly and sequentially to reach logical conclusions. You rely mostly on your sense of logic when making decisions—whatever the evidence points to, or whatever makes sense is what you’ll go for. Before making a big purchase, left-brainers carefully do their research and stick with the facts and statistics when choosing a product.
Right-brained individuals, however, will often rely on their emotions to make important decisions, or at least give equal import to them. Intuition will often play an important role in your thinking process, but the means by which you reach that conclusion may not be as clear. Interestingly, writing involves both left- and right-brain functions. While spelling and grammar fall under the jurisdiction of the left brain, the right side is responsible for coherence and meaning—that “it just feels right” quality.
Verbal vs. Nonverbal Processing
Most left-brained individuals find it easy to express themselves both verbally and in writing, while right-brainers may have difficulty expressing themselves without visual reinforcement.
For example, if you ask a left-brainer to give directions to a location, he or she will often be very specific, while a right-brainer will primarily use visual landmarks to give directions. Similarly, those who are right-brained have a harder time listening to directions and remembering them if they don’t write them down or visualize them.
Even if this has simply affirmed your right-or left-brain dominance, there is always room for improvement. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses can only help you. Remember, most people share both right- and left-brain qualities and are rarely one-sided. You might be great at math, but messy. Or maybe you love art, but you’re also great at Sodoku puzzles. Everyone would do well to put both sides of the brain to use more, even if it means stepping outside of your comfort zone. You might be surprised at what you can accomplish with a few to-do lists or a little spontaneity and break from the old routine.
Right-brainers prefer an overview or a general understanding of the big picture first. They tend to be more conceptual and visual rather than logical. For this very reason, right-brainers tend to remember a person's face, but not always his name. When it comes to work, the right-brain dominant person is more likely to experiment with something new and "figure out" how it works rather than break out the instruction manual right away. Her office may have the appearance of disorganization, with piles of paperwork and few systems in place. But don't discount this as failure! Right brainers have an uncanny ability to pull things off at the last minute. They rarely need to plan out every detail of a trip or vacation unlike their left brain friends who feel more comfortable with the details. Right brainers are more impulsive in that way, and can enjoy a surprise trip. They are open to seeing what's appealing when they arrive at their new destination.
Quiz found at: http://www.lifescript.com/Quizzes/Personality/Are_You_A_Right-Brain_or_Left-Brain_Thinker.aspx
You may think you have yourself all figured out—you like math and science, so you’re left-brained; or maybe you prefer art and music, and consider yourself right-brained.
Either way, there are probably aspects of your personality that you’re not taking into consideration in your right- and left-brain diagnosis.
Determining if you are a right- or left-brain thinker is not always so clear-cut, and most people are a mix of both.
It is clear, however, that right- or left-brain dominance does influence how you take in information and even how you relate to others. Knowing where you fall on the “brain” spectrum can be more than just a fun tidbit of information—it can actually help you understand how you process information and how you can improve and use more of your other, “neglected” side.
According to Dr. Carolyn Hopper, the Learning Strategies Coordinator at Middle Tennessee State University and author of Practicing College Learning Strategies, a breakdown of right- and left-brain functions can even help students capitalize on their learning styles.
But don’t worry—even if you’re 20 years removed from college, you’re sure to find a place for this useful and interesting information.
Linear vs. Holistic Processing
One of the biggest differences between the right and left brain is the way they arrange information. If you are a left-brain thinker, you take in information linearly. When your brain receives a piece of information, it arranges the parts logically and then looks at the whole. When you tell a story, you love the details—so much that you might even forget the punch line! If you have a project to complete, you will outline the tasks carefully before starting. The bottom line? Why you’re doing something is not usually as important as how you do it.
On the other hand, if you’re right-brained, you see the big picture first. That doesn’t mean that the details are lost to you, but it does mean that you crave a holistic view before considering the finer points. Planning the details before a task may be harder for you—you’d rather make the outline after completing the project. When you begin a task, it is extremely important for you to understand why you are doing it—for you, the end is greater than the means.
Sequential vs. Random Processing
Left-brainers love order and process information not only linearly, but sequentially. If you love making to-do lists and then checking off the tasks as you complete them, then you are at least partially left-brained. You most often focus on one task until it is finished and then you tackle the next one. Tasks and activities that are orderly are easy and enjoyable for you—as a student, you most likely excelled in math and spelling. Even when reading a magazine for pleasure, you’ll start at the front and work your way toward the back. When you travel, your itinerary is set in advance, and you don’t leave much room for flexibility. Similarly, you rarely get lost, as directions are easy for you to follow. While your friends are struggling to decode the MapQuest directions, you’re already waiting in the parking lot. And, yes, left-brainers are usually more orderly when it comes to their belongings, as well.
If you are right-brained, your life is not quite as orderly, but some would say that the variety adds excitement to your life. You fly by the seat of your pants and make last-minute decisions. You are also a natural multitasker, a character trait that is high in demand today. You may have several projects going at once and, therefore, you may not prioritize your tasks as you should. Although your nature will resist making lists and setting deadlines and goals for yourself, you may want to consider giving in—they really can make your life easier and more efficient. Hopper suggests color-coding your lists to make them more appealing to your heightened sense of color as a right-brainer. And, on a lighter note, unlike your left-brained friends, you pick up a magazine and go straight to the stories that interest you, bypassing the rest.
Symbolic vs. Concrete Processing
The right and left brains also differ in their preferred methods of learning. Left-brained individuals work well with symbols, which accounts for their reputation for excellence in math, science and linguistics, or other activities that involve words and letters and the memorization of formulas. Have you ever met someone with an uncanny ability to remember names and dates? That is a quintessential function of the left brain. Your idea of fun is working on a Sodoku puzzle or a logic problem—a love that may not be shared by your right-brained friends.
Right-brainers prefer concrete ideas and are visual learners. Math formulas look like another language until they are drawn out or illustrated in some way. Artistic endeavors may appeal more to right-brained individuals because they involve creating a concrete object, like a painting or a sculpture. And, contrary to left-brainers, you tend to remember faces over names.
Logical vs. Intuitive Processing
This is a big one when it comes to differentiating between the right and left brain. Your left brain will solve problems according to logic, looking at the information linearly and sequentially to reach logical conclusions. You rely mostly on your sense of logic when making decisions—whatever the evidence points to, or whatever makes sense is what you’ll go for. Before making a big purchase, left-brainers carefully do their research and stick with the facts and statistics when choosing a product.
Right-brained individuals, however, will often rely on their emotions to make important decisions, or at least give equal import to them. Intuition will often play an important role in your thinking process, but the means by which you reach that conclusion may not be as clear. Interestingly, writing involves both left- and right-brain functions. While spelling and grammar fall under the jurisdiction of the left brain, the right side is responsible for coherence and meaning—that “it just feels right” quality.
Verbal vs. Nonverbal Processing
Most left-brained individuals find it easy to express themselves both verbally and in writing, while right-brainers may have difficulty expressing themselves without visual reinforcement.
For example, if you ask a left-brainer to give directions to a location, he or she will often be very specific, while a right-brainer will primarily use visual landmarks to give directions. Similarly, those who are right-brained have a harder time listening to directions and remembering them if they don’t write them down or visualize them.
Even if this has simply affirmed your right-or left-brain dominance, there is always room for improvement. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses can only help you. Remember, most people share both right- and left-brain qualities and are rarely one-sided. You might be great at math, but messy. Or maybe you love art, but you’re also great at Sodoku puzzles. Everyone would do well to put both sides of the brain to use more, even if it means stepping outside of your comfort zone. You might be surprised at what you can accomplish with a few to-do lists or a little spontaneity and break from the old routine.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
What American accent do you have?
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Midland "You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio. | |
Boston | |
The West | |
North Central | |
Philadelphia | |
The Northeast | |
The Inland North | |
The South | |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
L A Y E R O N E -- Name: Trixie Racer -- Birthday: 12/14/78 -- Current Location: Atlanta -- Eye Color: blue -- Hair Color: blonde -- Height: 5'5" -- Righty Or Lefty:righty
L A Y E R T W O -- Your Heritage: Irish/Russian/Dutch/German -- The Shoes You Wore Today: Short black boots -- Your Weakness: Food -- Your Fears: Failure -- Your Perfect Pizza: Mushrooms/onions/pineapple/olives/salami -- Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Have a child
L A Y E R T H R E E -- Your Most Overused Phrase(s): Everything happens for a reason. -- Your Best Physical Feature: Breasts -- Your Bedtime: 9pm -- Your Most Missed Memory: childhood
L A Y E R F O U R -- Pepsi Or Coke: Neither -- McDonald's Or Burger King: Neither....(crap) -- Single Or Group Dates: Single -- Lipton Ice tea Or Nestea: I don't know -- Chocolate Or Vanilla: Chocolate -- Cappuccino Or Coffee: Hot chocolate
L A Y E R F I V E Do You... -- Sing: Nope (not in a way anyone would listen) -- Take A Shower: With someone else conserves water! -- Want To Go To College: I want to be a lifetime student -- Liked High School: Didn't go much -- Want To Get Married: Yes -- Believe In Yourself: Most of the time -- Get Motion Sickness: Nope -- Think You're Attractive: Yep -- Think You're A Freak: I know it! -- Get Along With Your parents/grandparents: No/Yes -- Like Thunderstorms: They are beautiful -- Play An Instrument: No
L A Y E R S I X: In The Past Month... -- Drank Alcohol: Yes -- Smoked: No -- Done A Drug: No -- Gone On A Date: Several -- Gone To The Mall: Yes -- Eaten An Entire Box Of Chips Ahoy: No -- Eaten Sushi: Yes -- Been On Stage: No -- Been Dumped: Yes -- Gone Skinny Dipping: No -- Stolen Anything: No, stealing is wrong
L A Y E R S E V E N: Ever... -- Been Trashed Or Extremely Intoxicated: Absolutely -- Been Called A Tease: Lots of times -- Gotten Beaten Up: Unfortunately -- Shoplifted: Before I turned 18
L A Y E R E I G H T -- How Do You Want To Die: Peacefully -- What Do You Want To Be When You Grow up: A soccer mom -- What Country Would You Most Like To Visit: Japan
L A Y E R N I N E: In a girl/guy--- -- Best Eye Color: Green -- Best Hair Color: Blonde -- Height: 5"8" -- Best Weight: 145 -- Best article of clothing: Suits (including birthday)
L A Y E R T E N -- Number Of drugs taken: Hmmmm.. I am erecising my fifth amendment right here. -- Number Of People I could trust: handful -- Number Of CDs That I Own: 100+ but I only listen to a few -- Number of DVDs: 200+ -- Number Of Piercings: just my ears -- Number Of Tattoos: None, tatoos aren't feminine -- Number Of Things In My Past That I Regret: 2
L A Y E R T W O -- Your Heritage: Irish/Russian/Dutch/German -- The Shoes You Wore Today: Short black boots -- Your Weakness: Food -- Your Fears: Failure -- Your Perfect Pizza: Mushrooms/onions/pineapple/olives/salami -- Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Have a child
L A Y E R T H R E E -- Your Most Overused Phrase(s): Everything happens for a reason. -- Your Best Physical Feature: Breasts -- Your Bedtime: 9pm -- Your Most Missed Memory: childhood
L A Y E R F O U R -- Pepsi Or Coke: Neither -- McDonald's Or Burger King: Neither....(crap) -- Single Or Group Dates: Single -- Lipton Ice tea Or Nestea: I don't know -- Chocolate Or Vanilla: Chocolate -- Cappuccino Or Coffee: Hot chocolate
L A Y E R F I V E Do You... -- Sing: Nope (not in a way anyone would listen) -- Take A Shower: With someone else conserves water! -- Want To Go To College: I want to be a lifetime student -- Liked High School: Didn't go much -- Want To Get Married: Yes -- Believe In Yourself: Most of the time -- Get Motion Sickness: Nope -- Think You're Attractive: Yep -- Think You're A Freak: I know it! -- Get Along With Your parents/grandparents: No/Yes -- Like Thunderstorms: They are beautiful -- Play An Instrument: No
L A Y E R S I X: In The Past Month... -- Drank Alcohol: Yes -- Smoked: No -- Done A Drug: No -- Gone On A Date: Several -- Gone To The Mall: Yes -- Eaten An Entire Box Of Chips Ahoy: No -- Eaten Sushi: Yes -- Been On Stage: No -- Been Dumped: Yes -- Gone Skinny Dipping: No -- Stolen Anything: No, stealing is wrong
L A Y E R S E V E N: Ever... -- Been Trashed Or Extremely Intoxicated: Absolutely -- Been Called A Tease: Lots of times -- Gotten Beaten Up: Unfortunately -- Shoplifted: Before I turned 18
L A Y E R E I G H T -- How Do You Want To Die: Peacefully -- What Do You Want To Be When You Grow up: A soccer mom -- What Country Would You Most Like To Visit: Japan
L A Y E R N I N E: In a girl/guy--- -- Best Eye Color: Green -- Best Hair Color: Blonde -- Height: 5"8" -- Best Weight: 145 -- Best article of clothing: Suits (including birthday)
L A Y E R T E N -- Number Of drugs taken: Hmmmm.. I am erecising my fifth amendment right here. -- Number Of People I could trust: handful -- Number Of CDs That I Own: 100+ but I only listen to a few -- Number of DVDs: 200+ -- Number Of Piercings: just my ears -- Number Of Tattoos: None, tatoos aren't feminine -- Number Of Things In My Past That I Regret: 2
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
personality test by similarminds.com
Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic..
Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.
Extraversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
social, outgoing, worry free, optimistic, upbeat, tough, likes large parties, makes friends easily, rarely irritated, open, enjoys leadership, trusting, dominant, thrill seeker, strong, does not like to be alone, assertive, mind over heart, confident, controlling, feels desirable, likes the spotlight, loves food, social chameleon, hard working, concerned about others
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