You have a knack for knowing what's going on in the hearts and minds of those around you, without their having to tell you explicitly. People tend to turn to you with their problems because they know you care, and that you will likely offer good advice and a helping hand.
You do not feel that people with sad stories are just looking for attention, or have brought their problems upon themselves.
You trust your your instincts. What others may see as rash behavior is, for you, simply going with your gut. Individuals with a high score on the "impulsive" trait tend to try new, sometimes outrageous, things.
You are not timid. For you, spending time microscopically examining the pros and cons of every decision means never getting anything accomplished.
You are a "glass half-full" kind of person, always on the lookout for the silver lining. Your happiness is contagious, which is why others like to be around you.
You do not feel that the world is an intrinsically depressing place; you are not the kind of "realist" who thinks that only fools find joy in life.
You are an honest, fair person. You don't lie or cheat to get ahead. You treat others with respect and hope for the same in return.
You do not feel that you are above the rules that everyone else follows; you are definitely not willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead.
You rarely become irritated, generally accept people as they are, take things as they come, and feel relaxed in most situations.
You do not let a minor annoyance escalate to a confrontation. You don't regularly snap at those around you or fly off the handle with little provocation.
You have a genuine interest in other people. You're a natural host, and are always thinking about how you can increase the happiness of those around you. When friends have problems or are in trouble, you're usually the first person they turn to for aid and comfort. Scoring high on the "warm" trait suggests that you are among those who enjoy domestic activities — doing things around the house — and are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.
You don't always say exactly what you're thinking; you don't like the idea of causing anyone pain because of your criticism.
You are willing to take the time to find out what's going on with other people, especially if they're in distress. You're a good listener, you don't criticize, and you offer unbiased, respectful, honest advice when it's requested. With a high score on the "understanding" trait, it is likely that you are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.
You don't feel the need to impose your standards on others or say things that, even though true, cause pain.
You are in touch with your own feelings, which helps put you in touch with the feelings of others.
You don't buy the logic that your happiness comes ahead of everyone else's because unless you're happy you're incapable of making anyone else happy.
You behave in a confident and forceful manner, take charge of the situation, raise your hand in class, stand up for what you think is right, and lead others. Among those who have a high score on the "assertive" trait, many have jobs in which they are valued for their organizational skills as well as their talent for supervising others.
You are not interested in fading into the woodwork, leaving everything to fate, taking more time than necessary to accomplish a task, or avoiding confrontation.
You like your own company; you're a very interesting person. Tracking your own mental processes, knowing what you're thinking and why you do what you do, is important to you. Often, what's going on in your mind is more compelling than what's going on outside. For the most part, those with a high score on the "introspective" trait enjoy reading, taking long walks, learning new things, and other solitary activities.
You are not someone who is constantly looking to be among a group of friends; you never feel bored when you are by yourself.
Quiz found at:
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Silly quiz from COSA18
I think I'm ugly sometimes. Ugly, no. Unattractive, yes.
I have many scars. No.
I tan easily. In a tanning bed.
I wish my hair was a different color. Sometimes, and usually I go for it!
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. Are you kidding me? I've got friends who've never seen my natural hair!
I have a tattoo. Nope! Tattoos are not feminine.
I am self-conscious about my appearance.Isn't everyone?
I have/I've got braces. No, although I would like Invisalign.
I'd get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free, scar-free.I don't trust "free".
I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger. More than I can count but it never gets old. *wink*
I have more than 2 piercings. No.
I have piercings in places besides my ears. No.
Family/Home Life:
I've sworn at my parents. Not even once.
I've been kicked out of the house. Lol...
My parents are together. ...and married to each other.
I have a sibling less than one year old. Ewwwww..
I want to have kids someday. Absolutely, however I may settle for my new puppy.
I have children. Just my pets.
Slipped out a "lol" in a spoken conversation. ??!?! Of course not.
Some Disney movies still make me cry. Been too long. I'll have to watch one to see..
I've snorted while laughing. Don't think so.
I've laughed so hard I've cried. ...and peed my pants
I've glued my hand to something. Itself?
I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose. Not a pretty sight
I've had my trousers rip in public. Unfortunately
I was born with a disease/impairment. Does ADD count?
I've had stitches. Maybe
I've broken a bone. Left pinky toe
I've had my tonsils removed. Why does this happen?
I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend. Of course, I'm a good friend.
I've had my wisdom teeth removed. Yes. Expensive and didn't help the crowding. :(
I've had a serious surgery. Define "serious". J/k.
I've been in hospital for over a week. Not for myself but I have while visiting.
I've had chicken pox. Yep.
I've driven over 200 miles in one day. I've driven 1000 miles once, and 500-700 miles several times.
I've been on a plane. Duh..
I've been to Canada. Not yet
I've been to Australia. Not yet
I've been to Japan. 2003
I've been to America. North and Central.
I've been to England. Not yet, closest I've been is France.
I've been to Africa. Not yet. Although this may be my next tourism spot.
I've been to Spain. Not yet
I've been lost in my city. Oh yeah....
I've seen a shooting star. Mmmm-hmmm
I've wished on a shooting star. Yes, didn't work.
I've seen a meteor shower. I wish.
I've thought I seen a comet. "I've thought I seen" - Really!? I just can't answer that.
I've gone out in public in my pajamas. I buy pajamas to go out in. I usually sleep with just a bra on.
I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator. I still remember the last time. *kiss*
I've been skydiving. Doubt I ever will since I've heard that it will hurt my breasts.
I've gone skinny dipping. As an adult?
I've played spin the bottle. Ironically, no.
I've crashed a car. Would replying yes make me "at fault"?
I've been skiing. Only twice.
I've been in a play. 5th grade
I've met someone in person from the internet. Several. I'm into "computer geeks".
I've caught a snowflake on my tongue. Yes
I've seen the Northern Lights. Maybe while stoned. *sigh*
I've sat on a roof top at night. And had sex too!
I've played chicken. No.
I've played a prank on someone. Who hasn't?
I've ridden in a taxi. Today even!
I've eaten sushi. Mikuni's in Sacramento has the BEST SUSHI in the world.
I've been snowboarding. No but I have been wakeboarding and couldn't stay above water.
I'm single. Yes
I'm in a relationship. I think so
I'm engaged. No
I'm married. No
I'm seeing someone. "Seeing"? No.
I've gone on a blind date. Lot's of times
I miss someone right now. Yes
I have a fear of abandonment. Not anymore
I've been divorced. I'm a statistic.
I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back. And lied about it too! :(
I've told someone I liked them when I didn't. No. Honesty even when it hurts.
I've told someone I didn't like them when I did. No. Honesty even when it hurts.
I've kept something from a past relationship. I have lots of gifts and other mementos which I keep. I don't steal (unlike some people).
I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't. Don't think so. But if I did I would've confessed.
I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't. Oh yes
I am keeping a secret from someone. Maybe even me! :-p
I've cheated while playing a game. Nah, takes away the sport factor. I like to win fairly.
I've run a red light. And received a ticket in the mail.
I've been suspended from school. My fault
I've witnessed a crime. Yes
I've been in a fight. "I'm a lover, not a fighter."
I've been arrested. Hence why I quit drinking.
I think I'm ugly sometimes. Ugly, no. Unattractive, yes.
I have many scars. No.
I tan easily. In a tanning bed.
I wish my hair was a different color. Sometimes, and usually I go for it!
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. Are you kidding me? I've got friends who've never seen my natural hair!
I have a tattoo. Nope! Tattoos are not feminine.
I am self-conscious about my appearance.Isn't everyone?
I have/I've got braces. No, although I would like Invisalign.
I'd get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free, scar-free.I don't trust "free".
I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger. More than I can count but it never gets old. *wink*
I have more than 2 piercings. No.
I have piercings in places besides my ears. No.
Family/Home Life:
I've sworn at my parents. Not even once.
I've been kicked out of the house. Lol...
My parents are together. ...and married to each other.
I have a sibling less than one year old. Ewwwww..
I want to have kids someday. Absolutely, however I may settle for my new puppy.
I have children. Just my pets.
Slipped out a "lol" in a spoken conversation. ??!?! Of course not.
Some Disney movies still make me cry. Been too long. I'll have to watch one to see..
I've snorted while laughing. Don't think so.
I've laughed so hard I've cried. ...and peed my pants
I've glued my hand to something. Itself?
I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose. Not a pretty sight
I've had my trousers rip in public. Unfortunately
I was born with a disease/impairment. Does ADD count?
I've had stitches. Maybe
I've broken a bone. Left pinky toe
I've had my tonsils removed. Why does this happen?
I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend. Of course, I'm a good friend.
I've had my wisdom teeth removed. Yes. Expensive and didn't help the crowding. :(
I've had a serious surgery. Define "serious". J/k.
I've been in hospital for over a week. Not for myself but I have while visiting.
I've had chicken pox. Yep.
I've driven over 200 miles in one day. I've driven 1000 miles once, and 500-700 miles several times.
I've been on a plane. Duh..
I've been to Canada. Not yet
I've been to Australia. Not yet
I've been to Japan. 2003
I've been to America. North and Central.
I've been to England. Not yet, closest I've been is France.
I've been to Africa. Not yet. Although this may be my next tourism spot.
I've been to Spain. Not yet
I've been lost in my city. Oh yeah....
I've seen a shooting star. Mmmm-hmmm
I've wished on a shooting star. Yes, didn't work.
I've seen a meteor shower. I wish.
I've thought I seen a comet. "I've thought I seen" - Really!? I just can't answer that.
I've gone out in public in my pajamas. I buy pajamas to go out in. I usually sleep with just a bra on.
I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator. I still remember the last time. *kiss*
I've been skydiving. Doubt I ever will since I've heard that it will hurt my breasts.
I've gone skinny dipping. As an adult?
I've played spin the bottle. Ironically, no.
I've crashed a car. Would replying yes make me "at fault"?
I've been skiing. Only twice.
I've been in a play. 5th grade
I've met someone in person from the internet. Several. I'm into "computer geeks".
I've caught a snowflake on my tongue. Yes
I've seen the Northern Lights. Maybe while stoned. *sigh*
I've sat on a roof top at night. And had sex too!
I've played chicken. No.
I've played a prank on someone. Who hasn't?
I've ridden in a taxi. Today even!
I've eaten sushi. Mikuni's in Sacramento has the BEST SUSHI in the world.
I've been snowboarding. No but I have been wakeboarding and couldn't stay above water.
I'm single. Yes
I'm in a relationship. I think so
I'm engaged. No
I'm married. No
I'm seeing someone. "Seeing"? No.
I've gone on a blind date. Lot's of times
I miss someone right now. Yes
I have a fear of abandonment. Not anymore
I've been divorced. I'm a statistic.
I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back. And lied about it too! :(
I've told someone I liked them when I didn't. No. Honesty even when it hurts.
I've told someone I didn't like them when I did. No. Honesty even when it hurts.
I've kept something from a past relationship. I have lots of gifts and other mementos which I keep. I don't steal (unlike some people).
I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't. Don't think so. But if I did I would've confessed.
I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't. Oh yes
I am keeping a secret from someone. Maybe even me! :-p
I've cheated while playing a game. Nah, takes away the sport factor. I like to win fairly.
I've run a red light. And received a ticket in the mail.
I've been suspended from school. My fault
I've witnessed a crime. Yes
I've been in a fight. "I'm a lover, not a fighter."
I've been arrested. Hence why I quit drinking.
Monday, February 1, 2010
My playing cards 2010
My Birth Card - The Four of Clubs
The Card of Mental Satisfaction
Though this is a card of stability, their Five of Clubs Karma Card also indicates a hidden restlessness that can manifest in several ways. These people are progressive and can utilize this to create new ideas in their chosen line of work, rather than let the restlessness keep them from achieving any success. These people know what they know and are not likely to change their minds on your behalf unless they see the value of change for themselves. "Stubborn" may describe it better in many cases. They are fond of argument, since they usually win, and usually do well in legal matters. They have a good constitution and are not afraid of hard work. This is a successful card. They are good at sales work and enjoy talking about what they believe in. They are popular and do well in groups. As long as they don't let their love of debate get out of hand, they will keep a fine reputation in their work. They also want a successful love life and this is their major life challenge.
My Yearly Card (Began Dec 14,2009) - The Eight of Diamonds
The Sun Card
The Eight of Diamonds tells you that you will have a considerable amount of financial power. The power to make money is yours and this is power that you probably want to use for some special purpose. Financial power can come from many avenues. You could earn the money or you could borrow the money but one thing is for sure. In order to have this financial power, you will have to get very clear on how much money you want and what the purpose of having that money will be. You see, the Eight of Diamonds means focusing and concentrating our VALUES, and making choices about what is most important in our life and what is not. Through this kind of focus, money is always attracted to us in the amounts we need.
My Fifty-Two Day Card - The Nine of Diamonds
The Card of Universal Values and The Giver's Card
Last Fifty-Two Day Card - The Nine of Spades
Next Fifty-Two Day Card - The Eight of Hearts
The Nine of Diamonds is often associated with financial losses of one kind or another but its true meaning is that of a completion in regards to some values that we have been holding. For this reason, it could be an indicator of the ending of a certain kind of work that you have been doing for a long time, or the ending of a certain pursuit. This could be the pursuit of some financial goal, some relationship, or some other 'thing' that is valued.
When money does seem to be lost under the Nine of Diamonds, keep in mind that this is just the preparation for a new cycle of incoming money. Sometimes we need to spend some money to stimulate more to come in.
** You are currently in the Mercury 52-day period of your year. This period began on 12/14/2009 and will end on 02/5/2010.
Today's Card - The King of Diamonds
The Business Owner
The King of Diamonds can often represent a successful business man, one who runs his own business, or a financial man such as a banker or stockbroker. He is successful and has a strong sense of values which have made him the success he is. So, when this card appears, you could have some dealings with someone like this or you could take on these qualities yourself.
The King of Diamonds often appears when we are ready to start our own business and it promises great success if we do. It is the highest card in the suit of money and values and as such bestows everything needed to make a success of some financial or business opportunity. When this card appears, don't let it go to waste. Find some way to be in business for yourself and go for it.
** Today is your Saturn Day, usually the hardest day of the week but also one where a lot can get accomplished if you work hard.

Though this is a card of stability, their Five of Clubs Karma Card also indicates a hidden restlessness that can manifest in several ways. These people are progressive and can utilize this to create new ideas in their chosen line of work, rather than let the restlessness keep them from achieving any success. These people know what they know and are not likely to change their minds on your behalf unless they see the value of change for themselves. "Stubborn" may describe it better in many cases. They are fond of argument, since they usually win, and usually do well in legal matters. They have a good constitution and are not afraid of hard work. This is a successful card. They are good at sales work and enjoy talking about what they believe in. They are popular and do well in groups. As long as they don't let their love of debate get out of hand, they will keep a fine reputation in their work. They also want a successful love life and this is their major life challenge.
My Yearly Card (Began Dec 14,2009) - The Eight of Diamonds

The Eight of Diamonds tells you that you will have a considerable amount of financial power. The power to make money is yours and this is power that you probably want to use for some special purpose. Financial power can come from many avenues. You could earn the money or you could borrow the money but one thing is for sure. In order to have this financial power, you will have to get very clear on how much money you want and what the purpose of having that money will be. You see, the Eight of Diamonds means focusing and concentrating our VALUES, and making choices about what is most important in our life and what is not. Through this kind of focus, money is always attracted to us in the amounts we need.
My Fifty-Two Day Card - The Nine of Diamonds

Next Fifty-Two Day Card - The Eight of Hearts
The Nine of Diamonds is often associated with financial losses of one kind or another but its true meaning is that of a completion in regards to some values that we have been holding. For this reason, it could be an indicator of the ending of a certain kind of work that you have been doing for a long time, or the ending of a certain pursuit. This could be the pursuit of some financial goal, some relationship, or some other 'thing' that is valued.
When money does seem to be lost under the Nine of Diamonds, keep in mind that this is just the preparation for a new cycle of incoming money. Sometimes we need to spend some money to stimulate more to come in.
** You are currently in the Mercury 52-day period of your year. This period began on 12/14/2009 and will end on 02/5/2010.
Today's Card - The King of Diamonds

The King of Diamonds can often represent a successful business man, one who runs his own business, or a financial man such as a banker or stockbroker. He is successful and has a strong sense of values which have made him the success he is. So, when this card appears, you could have some dealings with someone like this or you could take on these qualities yourself.
The King of Diamonds often appears when we are ready to start our own business and it promises great success if we do. It is the highest card in the suit of money and values and as such bestows everything needed to make a success of some financial or business opportunity. When this card appears, don't let it go to waste. Find some way to be in business for yourself and go for it.
** Today is your Saturn Day, usually the hardest day of the week but also one where a lot can get accomplished if you work hard.
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