Though this is a card of stability, their Five of Clubs Karma Card also indicates a hidden restlessness that can manifest in several ways. These people are progressive and can utilize this to create new ideas in their chosen line of work, rather than let the restlessness keep them from achieving any success. These people know what they know and are not likely to change their minds on your behalf unless they see the value of change for themselves. "Stubborn" may describe it better in many cases. They are fond of argument, since they usually win, and usually do well in legal matters. They have a good constitution and are not afraid of hard work. This is a successful card. They are good at sales work and enjoy talking about what they believe in. They are popular and do well in groups. As long as they don't let their love of debate get out of hand, they will keep a fine reputation in their work. They also want a successful love life and this is their major life challenge.
My Yearly Card (Began Dec 14,2009) - The Eight of Diamonds

The Eight of Diamonds tells you that you will have a considerable amount of financial power. The power to make money is yours and this is power that you probably want to use for some special purpose. Financial power can come from many avenues. You could earn the money or you could borrow the money but one thing is for sure. In order to have this financial power, you will have to get very clear on how much money you want and what the purpose of having that money will be. You see, the Eight of Diamonds means focusing and concentrating our VALUES, and making choices about what is most important in our life and what is not. Through this kind of focus, money is always attracted to us in the amounts we need.
My Fifty-Two Day Card - The Nine of Diamonds

Next Fifty-Two Day Card - The Eight of Hearts
The Nine of Diamonds is often associated with financial losses of one kind or another but its true meaning is that of a completion in regards to some values that we have been holding. For this reason, it could be an indicator of the ending of a certain kind of work that you have been doing for a long time, or the ending of a certain pursuit. This could be the pursuit of some financial goal, some relationship, or some other 'thing' that is valued.
When money does seem to be lost under the Nine of Diamonds, keep in mind that this is just the preparation for a new cycle of incoming money. Sometimes we need to spend some money to stimulate more to come in.
** You are currently in the Mercury 52-day period of your year. This period began on 12/14/2009 and will end on 02/5/2010.
Today's Card - The King of Diamonds

The King of Diamonds can often represent a successful business man, one who runs his own business, or a financial man such as a banker or stockbroker. He is successful and has a strong sense of values which have made him the success he is. So, when this card appears, you could have some dealings with someone like this or you could take on these qualities yourself.
The King of Diamonds often appears when we are ready to start our own business and it promises great success if we do. It is the highest card in the suit of money and values and as such bestows everything needed to make a success of some financial or business opportunity. When this card appears, don't let it go to waste. Find some way to be in business for yourself and go for it.
** Today is your Saturn Day, usually the hardest day of the week but also one where a lot can get accomplished if you work hard.